
play date

Yesterday afternoon Rochelle, Finch and CJ came over and man CJ is getting so big! Funny thing CJ and Emma are the same size,

CJ is just a littttle bit taller, I wonder if he's little or Emma is just big lol. CJ even was giving Emma kisses, it was too cute!!

3:35pm I titled this one 'moo' because at the time I was pumping and my pump makes me feel like I'm hooked up to a milking machine. I was curious how much milk I produce now. Can you believe Emma wouldn't even take the bottle, she's only had them for a week, maybe 2 at most in her whole life (when I had thrush). So now 3oz of liquid gold wasted! I'm going to try and freeze it and make breastmilk pops out of it, since shes teething now, i'm sure she'll want them not before long :)

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